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Whatever type of writer you are, you could use some company. Personally, I only sit with a group of wordsmiths and get letters onto paper a couple of times during the year. In a bid to hone my craft, I’ve been participating in text conversations all over the web in[...]
Writing is and has always been a solitary endeavor. Still, any accomplished or novice writer will tell you that a writing community is just as important as their keyboard or notebook. If that feels like a bit of a contradiction, you’re right. We write alone, but what we write is[...]
Writing can be easy or difficult. It’s easy if you’re knowledgeable about your topic and confident about your grammar, sentence construction, vocabulary and overall writing style. Writing is difficult if you lack the necessary skills to communicate effectively or the confidence to speak your mind. The truth is, writing can be easy for everyone.[...]
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a writer? Or ever fancied seeing your name printed in golden letters on the cover of a bestselling book? Well, if you just screamed a roaring ‘hell yes' at the top of your lungs, chances are you're meant to be a writer. You are[...]
When I was in my early 20s, my younger brother and I created a two-man sketch comedy show that we performed around Providence, R.I. for a few years. The show, which we eventually called The American Basement Review, did not begin as sketch comedy, however. In fact, it didn’t begin as[...]
The attack on capitalism in some intellectual circles has opened up a new front: entrepreneurship itself. The latest talking point about how unfair capitalism is comes from Rolling Stone, where Occupy Wall Street organizer Jesse Myerson writes about The Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For. There are a lot of[...]
If you need further proof that government intervention can discourage, rather than promote, employment in a free market, look no further than the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. According to CBO estimates, Obamacare will prompt many people who are currently in the workforce to drop out -- no need to work to get[...]
So much of the political debate right now centers on the Haves and the Have-Nots. Sometimes we talk about the 1 percent vs. the 99 percent. Other times, it's the big corporation vs. the working poor. Either way, the theme is simple: Someone has something, and others don't. The one[...]
Pols are into pot, and that isn't as good for the legalization crowd as it might seem. New York City Comptroller John Liu, trying to gain traction for his campaign for mayor, has come out as the latest advocate for the legalization of marijuana. But, in the weeds, his plan is[...]
Many entrepreneurs may never have heard of Ronald Coase, but his work made it easier for the free markets to triumph over areas traditionally managed by the government, rather than the public sector. Coase, a Nobel laureate and University of Chicago economist, died Sunday at the age of 102. For[...]
On the eve of Christmas Eve, otherwise known as the Obamacare enrollment deadline, it seems fitting to ask why those who support and defend the free markets seem so afraid to embrace the moral foundation of their arguments. It has been a tough year for capitalists and business owners. Obamacare[...]
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a South American Jesuit, got the job of a lifetime (and, one assumes, after-lifetime) a year ago. He was elected Pope. Taking the name Francis, his reign so far has been marked by humility, risk taking and a deep questioning of the Church's mission in the world.[...]