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Have you ever sat down to write your up-and-coming blog post just to find yourself staring blankly at your computer screen? I know I have. It’s a daunting task to get words out when you have no idea what you want to write. What makes it even worse is when the publish deadline is [...]
Forums are great for community engagement and questions are a big part of a positive online community experience. One of the biggest challenges for community managers and public consultation professionals is understanding what questions to ask in order to fuel active participation from stakeholders. The following infographic offers up 16 [...]
What made these online forums stand out so that they were included on the list? It’s wasn’t necessarily their size; not all of the forums featured were exceptional due to their size. When looking for online forums for information, look for ones that are: Active. You want to see a [...]
Your first step to using online forum discussions is to find one related to your topic. You have a couple of choices: Perform a broad search by typing [name of your topic] + “discussion forum” into one of the major search engines (Google, Bing or Yahoo!). Each one will bring [...]
If you are looking for a source of inspiration for blog posts and articles that won’t run dry, consider visiting an online forum that corresponds to the broad topic you are writing about. There are a number of advantages to using them as a way to get your creative juices [...]
The life of a writer is pretty solitary, both by design and necessity. While you may find yourself in the neighborhood coffee shop a few days a week just for a change of pace, being a writer can be lonely and quiet. Well-meaning as they are, your friends and family [...]
As enjoyable and fulfilling as writing can be, the truth is that it’s often a solitary endeavor. While we might romanticize the focused artist typing away while imaginary worlds and narratives swirl inside their minds — authors know the truth: writing can get lonely. And moreover, when you’re working on [...]
We all know how laborious web work can be. It’s not a task for the faint hearted and generally requires a year or more of study to really grasp. As our era has progressed we’ve seen brilliant ideas and innovations ushering the online community towards open source and sharing. The construction of [...]
Coming up with ideas for creating a website is not as difficult as you might be thinking. One good way to get an idea is that you look at a website that is successful. Think about what is missing in that website or something that can be added to make [...]
In the middle of a subarctic storm, your water heater calls it quits. Your kids need new braces. Beyoncé drops a new album. You find the perfect couples snuggie set for your pet ball pythons. What do all of these events have in common? You need money to make them [...]
I consider it the one tool that helped me develop from a person who simply knew how to make websites to a web designer because the exposure to fantastic designers, tutorials, recommended readings, and impressive examples helped me build my design toolset and grow my abilities on both a technical [...]
Now that we’re at the business end of 2021, let’s start discussing what the next year holds in terms of new web design ideas. There’s so much to look forward to for the next year as far as websites are concerned. Web designers are exploring so many different and creative [...]