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You’re drowning in data. You’ve got enough KPIs to track and report on already. Why would you possibly need another one? What good would come of adding yet another hour to the end of you’re already long work day in order to dig it up? The truth, in this case, [...]
The other day, I was checking out a friend’s website. I was poking around in his Analytics, trying to come up with some actionable insights for him to work on. I saw a number that was super exciting. His referral traffic was through the roof! Referral traffic can be super valuable. I had [...]
Within 15 minutes, anyone with a decent amount of traffic to their own site can completely CORRUPT your Google Analytics data. It’s easy, simple, and once the data is corrupted, you can’t fix the data that’s already been collected. I’m going to show you exactly how to hack Google Analytics. [...]
You probably think that Google Analytics has lost its value because they’ve stripped away valuable keyword data. But Google Analytics is still one of the best SEO measurement tools out there. You can get tons of actionable data from the platform at your fingertips in just a matter of minutes. And you can [...]
It has happened to every marketer out there – you are just going about your daily reporting when you log onto Google Analytics and see an unexpected, and noticeable decline in traffic. First off, don’t panic. I know you may feel betrayed by Google Analytics for delivering the bad news, [...]
This isn’t a 101-style post. It’s assuming you’ve got the basics down. You’ve got a simple analytics framework down. You’ve got Goals or Events set-up (properly). But you want action. You want to figure out how to move the needle in as short amount of time as possible. Counterintuitively, you shouldn’t waste time with [...]
Do you know where all of your social traffic is coming from? Want more detailed information on social media referral traffic? The Google Analytics’ Social Network Referrals report gives you a top-level snapshot of social media referral traffic, but it may not show you everything. In this article you’ll discover [...]
Knowing where to segment your Google Analytics data can be daunting. Where do you start? And how the Hell are you supposed to know if what you’re looking at is going to make any difference what-so-ever? Trust me, I hear you. I’ve been learning more about gaining real insights from analytics myself, [...]
Google Analytics is a valuable ally in the ecommerce battle for consumer dollars. The insights it provides contains a wealth of information about your site, your visitors and where they came from. All this information can be used to find new customers and increase conversions. For many ecommerce entrepreneurs just [...]
Editor’s Note: Meet Kunle Campbell at Ignite 2015, our conference on Sept. 16 and 17 in Dallas, where he’ll present two sessions: “Google Analytics: Set-up Checklist for Ecommerce Merchants” and “Essential Google Analytics Dashboards, to Save Time and Improve Focus.” Data is key to making informed decisions, especially in the context of ecommerce. [...]
A promise is a promise. We gave you a comprehensive list of Analytics and Tracking tools for Subscription Businesses in one of our previous posts, and we promised you that we would talk about each website analytics and tracking tool in detail. So here’s our first post in keeping with that [...]
We have Google Analytics installed on all the Buffer blogs (Social, Open, Overflow, and certainly also Happiness in the future). I imagine you might have it installed, too. And though I could be in a much better habit of checking GA often, I am grateful to know that all the stats are there for me, whenever [...]