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Web design is a tricky subject. People have different opinions about what constitutes good web design and what doesn’t. Some people think your site needs to be super sleek with an up-to-date, modern design in order to get attention. Others believe that web design doesn’t really matter all that much and you [...]
Color is shown to be a significant determinant for both website trust and satisfaction. Color has the potential to communicate meaning to the user and influence their perception through the priming effect, how the exposure to one stimulus influences the way we will respond to another stimulus. In that way the exposure to a certain [...]
Strong calls to action are among the most important elements on every landing page, but far too many businesses don’t use them effectively. Seventy percent of small business websites don’t contain a call to action at all, according to a study published on Small Biz Trends, while many other small businesses don’t [...]
For an ecommerce site there are two positive actions possible by visitors: (1) They buy your product or service or (2) they engage, become part of your community and, if you do everything right, your brand ambassador. Marketers can argue which of those two actions is more important: While monetary conversions are [...]
The concept of earning links seems to be one of the most difficult subjects for strategists, marketers, and business owners to wrap their heads around. It’s no wonder, either, since Google and other search engines adjust the criteria for what deems a link to be relevant or qualified at such [...]
Here’s the number one complaint after starting a new blog: Why aren’t we getting traffic?! I’ve heard this complaint once. I’ve heard it a million times. Eager blog writers get burned out, discouraged, and quit. The decline is simple: They start a blog. The traffic does not materialize. The blog [...]
Think of growth hacks as cheat sheets for your startup. These tactics can resolve issues in five categories: acquisition, activation, retention, referral and revenue. Growth hacking -- particularly in the acquisition and activation category -- can decrease your cost per lead in paid advertising, help generate leads, encourage users to [...]
How to Customize (& Personalize) a WooCommerce Product Page Are you trying to customize your WooCommerce product page, but you’re not sure where to begin? WooCommerce gives you a head start when it comes to having a quality product page. They’re well-designed and look “good enough” out-of-the-box. But in the [...]
How fast is your website growing at the moment? If it’s not fast enough, and you are struggling with low conversion rates, there is a problem. You need the right hacks that generate instant website traffic. Getting more website traffic is perhaps the most essential task you should be working [...]
You could feel the anxiety in the air. I looked at my friend, pausing slightly before speaking. He had just asked a common question I hear all the time from small business owners: “How do I get more traffic to my website so I can sell more of my stuff?” The [...]
Let’s face it. Promoting your blog posts is a grind. There are no silver bullets, quick fixes, magic “traffic” tricks that are going to help you get the thousands of visitors you’re looking for. (Okay, Yes, you can pay for them… but that may get quite expensive.) However, there are certain [...]
You’ve worked so hard to get your company’s website up and running. Diligently followed SEO advice to attract relevant visitors and generate leads. But every time you look at the traffic stats… …you just want to drive your fist through the screen with frustration, don’t you? Time passes, but Google still continues to ignore [...]