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Every small business entrepreneur wants to attract more traffic to their website, and oftentimes they will exhaust themselves chasing after every little tool or hack that promises “more traffic now” or “increase your traffic overnight”. Most of the time, it’s not an overnight process, it takes time. There are [...]
Do you struggle to bring people to your website? I know the feeling. For years, I struggled to build traffic myself. It seemed like no matter what I tried, people didn’t want to read my content. But then things started changing. As I continued to write and promote, I started [...]
The number is actually larger… but I thought you wouldn’t believe me. The accurate, true-to-life title I should have used is “how to increase website traffic by 500,000 monthly visitors”… because that’s what we achieved. And we did it for our clients not once… To be fair, by no means [...]
There’s no doubt that starting a new website or blog is exciting. You probably can’t wait to share your site with the world. Unfortunately, the harsh reality that most new site owners face is a complete lack of traffic. It doesn’t matter how great your website or blog is if [...]
Getting more visitors is the endgame for most websites. The more traffic you have, the more recurring users and conversions you might get. Since everyone is chasing after the same goal, it’s all too common to run into ‘get-traffic-quick’ schemes that can hurt your website in the long run. Learning [...]
A website is an integral part of any business. In this digital age we have more and more consumers making their purchase decisions through online research. Website is a way for many consumers to understand a business better. An informative website is what consumers look for to gain more knowledge [...]
With affordable hosting providers aplenty like HostGator (read this HostGator review to know more about it), availability of HostGator Coupons for hosting & domain and easy to use CMS platforms, creating a website has become much simpler and easier. However, even a good online business cannot sustain without user engagement & website traffic. Yes, [...]
When you have a blog or website, you live and breathe traffic – the more, the merrier. I often find myself checking my stats first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and in between I constantly think of ways to get even more traffic, whether it's organic [...]
One of many ways in which websites can be useful to businesses is bringing online visitors who potentially become customers. That’s why most marketers strive to get high-quality traffic after a website launch as well as after. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to increase website traffic in 2021. Here we are [...]
Is there any business owner who doesn't want to have traffic on their website? The answer would be none of them. Every business owner wants to generate traffic on their website so that they can get a maximum outcome and generate lead directly or indirectly. So, if you are trying to [...]
Making an excellent web-presence is not enough when you are into digital marketing. As it will be fruitless if only a few people view your website. So, how could you drag the maximum number of viewers to your website? Yes, this seems difficult, but, adoption of the right website traffic [...]
In the children’s fairy tale, the Tortoise and the Hare, slow and steady wins the race. But in today’s online world, we are an impatient society. We want immediate response to our requests. We get frustrated when we have to wait for anything, especially for websites to load. If your website speed [...]