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Are you struggling to get a fantastic online presence for your business? Then you’ve landed on the right blog! The marketing techniques used years back will not yield fruitful results in today’s technology-driven marketing world. As for the businesses, staying updated on latest trends in the market is the need of the [...]
If you’re looking to engage audiences, convert customers, and boost sales in the upcoming year and beyond, it’s important to keep an eye and ear out for the latest in digital marketing trends in order to stay in line with your competition. And if you feel like you’re always slightly [...]
Review these digital marketing innovations to identify opportunities to improve leads and sales There is always a huge interest in digital marketing trends and innovation in marketing at the beginning of the year. And rightly so, since reviewing innovation in digital marketing, technology, and platforms for the year ahead can [...]
The year 2020 had a lot of marketers scrambling to keep up. It was a year like no other, really, with current events dramatically shaping digital marketing trends. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, this laundry list should sound familiar: socio-political turmoil, including mass protests, violent street clashes, and [...]
Being better isn’t necessarily the only important thing in digital marketing. Being different is what counts. Trying out unexpected, innovative digital marketing ideas to sell your product is what makes people sit up and notice your brand, talk about it and eventually spend money on it. The cliche that “any [...]
At one time, artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing and voice search engine optimization (VSEO) were ambitious concepts bordering on the ridiculous. Today, these innovative digital marketing trends are among the top priorities for most business owners in 2021. And why wouldn’t they be? After all, if your business has any intention [...]
Marketing a growing business online can look daunting but the online world is full of possibility. There are so many communities and opportunities to get involved with it’ll make your head spin. Most people think of Google and Facebook ads when they think of digital marketing but there are tons [...]
Let’s jump right into some of the reasons digital marketing is such a force: You can measure nearly every tactic you try in one way or another. Essentially, you know what is and isn’t working. There’s a DIY approach for nearly every tactic, too. Budget need not be an issue. [...]
About this course Master the basics of digital marketing with our free Interactive Advertising Bureau-accredited course. There are 26 modules to explore, all created by Google trainers, packed full of practical exercises and real-world examples to help you turn knowledge into action. Improve your CV Accordion aria label closed Getting [...]
Digital marketing should be one of the primary focuses of almost any business’s overall marketing strategy. Never before has there been a way to stay in such consistent contact with your customers, and nothing else offers the level of personalization that digital data can provide. The more you embrace the [...]
Digital marketing has become prominent largely because it reaches such a wide audience of people, but it offers a number of other advantages as well. These are a few of the benefits. A broad geographic reach When you post an ad online, people can see it no matter where they are (provided [...]
Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and measure its impact. In practice, digital marketing typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, and social media posts. Digital marketing is often [...]