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These five tips can help you stay sane during the school year: KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS. It’s human nature to want to correct weaknesses. But knowing your strengths and how to use them effectively can have a much more substantial effect on success and well-being. So how can you reframe [...]
Hello everyone dear students welcome all of you in our site पर,आज के इस महत्वपूर्ण लेख में आपको जानकार देने वाले है, best success tips for student in hindi. हम आपको इस लेख के माध्यम से 12 ऐसी सफल students की success habits बताएँगे जिससे आप कायाबी हासिल और अपना हर एक लक्ष्य के [...]
Helpful tips for students success online ● Make sure you’re muted when not talking ● Be yourself and respect others ● Ask questions using chat ● Use reactions to engage with your class ● Think before you write ● Utilize the raise your hand feature if wanting to ask a [...]
What does it take to improve student success and interest in math? The Philadelphia-based Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) asked more than 400 U.S. high school math teachers for their advice related to teaching and learning mathematics. “The good news is that students can have success in math class with [...]
Examination time can be very stressful as it puts a lot of pressure on students to perform well. However, there are several things that you can do to prepare more effectively for your exams. While completing your curriculum is critical for most exams, at the same time, it is also [...]
Why some students perform well in studies while some find it difficult to score good marks even after working hard? The answer lies in the difference of habit between two students. Everyone has the potential and capability to do well, however it’s only the habit that a student possesses makes [...]
A high GPA is not the key to succes in life, but a low one can hurt you. Here are some tips that can help you reach your potential. Go to class. It’s amazing how much you’ll learn just by showing up! Participate! Just showing up is a great start but [...]
Do you believe in last night’s study before the exam??… Do you face fear and anxiety problems if the syllabus is not finished before the exam?? We know that the majority of students answer is yes…Well, this may work in the examination to get good grades but this is not [...]
Are you in high school? Planning to go to college? The Student Success Center at University of Mobile has these 7 Tips for College Success that you can do now to make your freshman college classes easier. The better prepared you are for college classwork, the more time you’ll have for college [...]
It’s no secret that a sudden shift to online instruction may leave many students feeling overwhelmed about their academic success. Learning from home has its challenges, but here are some tips and strategies recommended by USF Instructional Technology faculty members James Hatten, PhD, and Sanghoon Park, PhD, to help you successfully [...]
Right now, thousands of Australian school children and university students are taking a well-earned break from the classroom. Long breaks like this help us clear our minds, but they can also provide an opportunity to prepare for the learning year ahead. If you’re a student, this might mean thinking about [...]
Your high school years should be filled with learning and growth. Increasingly, students are finding that high school is also a time of stress and anxiety. It seems that students are feeling more pressure than ever before when it comes to performing well. There are some things you can do [...]