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How to Get out of Debt When You Have Bad Credit Debt and bad credit are very close relatives, which should be no surprise since accumulating too much debt is the reason people have bad credit. Unfortunately, the consequences of bad credit – high interest rate charges on credit cards, [...]
SAVING CONSISTENTLY AND sufficiently is one of the building blocks of a healthy financial life. How to Make a Budget – and Stick to It After all, most Americans need emergency savings, a robust retirement account and medium-term savings for expenses such as college tuition or a home down payment. So, how [...]
While you may not have control over the economy, you do have control over the actions that you take. Compliments of BALANCE, here are 10 ways to manage your finances. Keep track of your spending. If you know where your money is going it will be easier to make changes if you [...]
You’re human. Of course you want to save more money, but trimming your spending feels like a sacrifice. Thankfully, there are relatively easy ways to save money — whether you want to trim a few or a few hundred dollars from your budget. 17 ways to save money We compiled [...]
Traditional advice about saving money only focuses on restricting. By looking at other ways to improve your finances, such as earning more and optimizing your spending, you open up a plethora of new avenues for saving more. That’s what makes the CEO approach the best way to save money. We’ll [...]
Set a savings goal Whether you’re saving for a holiday, home renovations or want a little extra in the bank for a rainy day, having a savings goal will help you get there. Work out how much money you need and how long it will take you to save. Have [...]
What Is a Down Payment? Let’s start with the basics. A down payment is the cash you bring to the closing table when buying a home. You may borrow money from the bank in the form of a home loan or mortgage, but a portion of the total cost must [...]
Before You Start Saving, Set a Specific Goal Before you start, decide what your goal is; how much do you need to save? Maybe you want to have $3500 available 12 months from now. Be realistic and specific. Your goal must also fit your budget. We all know that spending is much [...]
Saving money takes discipline. And a certain amount of sacrifice. According to Northwestern Mutual, 20 percent of Americans have nothing in retirement savings, and 45 percent of Americans are not prepared for the likelihood of outliving their retirement savings. The importance of saving money is rarely disputed. Saving is one of [...]
Perhaps you’re browsing through clothing racks in your favorite store or maybe you see a deal on a Facebook ad that seems too good to pass up. In those situations, it’s easy to make an impulse purchase. How much that impulse buy hurts your budget depends on your income and [...]
Experts write billion words about investment. But it is surprising that how little is written about how to save money (comparatively). In fact, it is hard to find a comprehensive guide about “savings” on internet. But on the other side, the topic of investment is widely covered. It is true that investment of money is more [...]
When it comes to putting money aside in savings, it can be a bit challenging. So, in this article, I share the top 10 realistic ways to save money each month—even on a tight budget. The reality is that many households are choosing between saving money for a rainy day [...]