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It's important for new writers to ask the pros about the mistakes they've made; successful, well-published writer and WD contributing editor Jeff Somers reveals why. “Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets [...]
From the veteran writer to the friend who doesn't read, author Karen Dukess presents the seven friends you need to keep on track while writing and publishing your novel. It’s often said that writing is a solitary act. And it’s true — no one can put the words on paper [...]
I was always going to be a writer. Well, that or the next vampire slayer, but I was never called, so writing became my calling. In ninth grade, I was sure I would be the kind of writer who changed lives and made a positive impact on the world. I [...]
10 Tips for Effective Networking at a Writer’s Conference Nervous about connecting with other writers and publishing professionals at your next writer's conference? John Peragine has 10 tips on how to network effectively and get the most out of your experience. Nervous about connecting with other writers and publishing professionals [...]
One misconception that forever bothers me is the belief that blogging doesn’t work unless it’s meta. People don’t believe blogs can be successful unless they are about blogging, marketing, or social media. What they don’t understand is that it’s only the marketing blogs that publish things like “income reports” and the [...]
You see a lot of popular blogs out there, right? Want to start a blog because you hear about how amazing it is? You probably read popular blogs and wondering how they make money eh? And even better – there are even mom bloggers making money blogging! Yes, if you’re [...]
As a new blogger it can be difficult to know where to begin. You may be fully inspired to start writing and get your blogging journey underway and that’s great. One problem though… what should you write about as your opening gambits? The following then offers a series of blog post [...]
When starting a blog, one of the most common questions you might think of is which are the most popular types of blog? There are many different types of blogs covering a wide range of topics, interests, and audiences. For a successful blog, you need to plan ahead and choose the [...]
Sometimes, when I tell people that I blog for a living, they roll their eyes. "That's so easy," they say. "You get a paycheck for sitting on the internet all day and writing. A monkey could do your job!" That's when I roll my eyes. See, people are quick to deem blogging [...]
Blog Ideas for Writers Who Need a Little Help Getting Started Coming up with your first blog post idea before you start writing is difficult because you’ve got no experience with your audience to build on –no data from Google Analytics telling you what people like to read about the [...]
Motivation. It's probably the thing people struggle with even more than coming up with ideas or pushing publish after days of writing. Questions about how to stay motivated to write regularly on a blog are among the most common I receive in response to the Blogging for Devs newsletter: How [...]
So, you’ve decided to start a blog. Congratulations! Blogging is an excellent way to promote yourself (or your brand) and share your expertise. But what topic will you cover in your blog? Many first-time bloggers struggle to decide what exactly to write about. Some fill their blogs with any idea that happens [...]