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Every year we make the same resolutions, like losing weight or to quit smoking. What about making more money? While there proven ways to make extra cash on the side, even if you have a full-time job, if those haven’t worked-out for you in years past, then consider these 10 new [...]
This story was previously published. It's a new year, and whether you’re moving, are in need of cash, or just want to clear the clutter out of your house, you can make a decent amount of money by selling all of that excess crap. A couple of Christmases back, I was struggling to [...]
Bitcoin will now be classed as a commodity in the U.S. along with gold and oil, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which has started to clamp down on unregistered firms that trade derivatives of the cryptocurrency. The CFTC stated Thursday that it had ordered bitcoin options trading platform [...]
When I sit down at my desk to write every day, I am simultaneously energized and discouraged. On the bright side, it is amazing that we live in a time when (and place where) everybody is free to express their thoughts immediately, in a completely unfiltered medium. The Internet has [...]
Starting a business is not an easy endeavor. There are a ton of moving parts -- infrastructure, client acquisition, website traffic, money management and more. For a new business leader, this can be overwhelming. However, utilizing a bigger platform can be a way to growth hack your startup. Getting on a platform like Fiverr, [...]
One of the core concepts in the digital marketing industry is the sales funnel. While odd sounding at first, this single core concept can take a business from virtually non-existent and unknown to multi-million-dollar marketing machine with mass saturation, seemingly overnight. In fact, there are skilled practitioners who have built a career around implementing [...]
Nothing is guaranteed while on the road, other than adventure. From a taxi to a parking lot, if you’ve got the pension for the outrageous, these peculiar Airbnb postings might just be the thing you’re looking for. A parking lot bed Image credit: Airbnb If you’d like your own slice [...]
Customer expectations are changing fast. More than ever, they're looking for shopping experiences targeted directly at them. As Erik Bullen, CEO at MageMail explained to me, "The megatrend is about hyper-personalization and the ability to buy 'anywhere, anytime' by applying modern technologies" -- he mentioned machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence and augmented reality as examples. [...]
Ever thought about launching your own blog? Ever wondered what it takes, not only to start up that blog, but also to successfully build it over time to make money online or generate a passive income? Clearly, you're not alone. Millions of people try their hand at blogging, but so few actually ever [...]
Need some extra cash? Try pursuing a side gig. Side businesses are not only great for the extra income, but they can also be a way to pursue your passions or share your expertise. Of course, figuring out which type of side business to pursue can be a challenge. For starters, brainstorm all of [...]
"Dear Mr. Strauss: Thank you for your submission, but unfortunately ..." When you're an entrepreneur, you hear the word "no" a lot. The not-so-fictional rejection letter above was just one of scores of similar responses I received for years from publishers back in the day when I was first trying [...]
Be honest with yourself: Why should customers and prospects care about what you have to say? Everywhere your customers look, they are being bombarded with sales messaging. Instead of contributing to the noise, be truly helpful. Be their go-to informational resource. This type of quality storytelling can act like steroids for your search rankings and social [...]