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Your story is always about the people who use the thing you sell, not about the thing itself. In other words, cast your customer as the hero, rather than you or your product. Tell that bigger story relentlessly and unwaveringly. Last year Felix Baumgartner dove from the edge of space while 8 million [...]
Marketing is a terrible thing to waste (with apologies to the iconic campaign slogan). You work hard to build a reputation and generate positive word-of-mouth. But are you undermining your own efforts? Consider these common blunders. 1. Your marketing is about you. It should focus on your products and services, right? Well, [...]
"Retailers have shot themselves in the foot, there are so many offers and sales all the time, people are conditioned to wait to get a deal," says Beth Smith, owner of Smith Browning Direct, Inc., a Flagstaff, Ariz.-based direct marketing consulting firm. She was one of many speakers at the Direct [...]
Webinars are a powerful and affordable way all "solopreneurs" can leverage their time to share a powerful message with their audience. One reason is that webinars provide an opportunity to speak directly with your audience and clients worldwide in real time. Another is the great opportunity they provide to spotlight your [...]
Online trainings are a simple and low cost way to grow your audience and revenue, but only if you do them right. My team and I are looking for ways not just to replace the income we’re going to lose when my speaking business grinds to a halt in the [...]
As an entrepreneur, you understand marketing's importance: Without marketing, your business would eventually fail due to the absence of new customers. Therefore, if you haven't already put time and effort into this mission, now is the time to start; and one easy way to start is the utilization of a sales funnel. What is [...]
When customers buy your product or service, businesses have them entered into a “Sales Funnel” or “Customer Retention Path,” where they receive regular mailings or e-mails promoting the backend products. I’ve studied sales funnels/customer retention paths for years, and there is a science to them. They all involve a lot of testing, [...]
We live in a new world. A digital one. Where the ether of cyberspace offers a resplendent haven for a new type of sales tool. The webinar, which is the evolution of the tele-seminar, has its roots in those in-person meetings that often involve lengthy flights and costly hotel stays [...]
Social media has dominated the internet for over a decade, and using the right social media management tools makes all the difference. But social media and its relative, the chatbot, are extremely time-consuming, and if not executed correctly, can be detrimental to a brand. Using social media management tools is [...]
Chatbots are the new rage as more top brands are advancing the technology and integrating it into their chat systems. Big names such as Facebook and Telegram have already made moves in this arena by creating their own chatbots and chatbot platforms. Over the past couple months, I've been trying [...]
Harry and Hermione. Holmes and Watson. Batman and Robin. These famous duos span age groups, eras and the globe because they all have one thing in common: While each would be competent on his or her own, the pairs are indestructible together. The same goes for the potential appeal your [...]
There's more to building an affiliate site that's profitable than just putting together a quick product review and throwing the whole thing up online. In fact, today, a quick product review simply won't cut it. Instead, an affiliate site should be viewed as a business like any other: You need to build a [...]