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Are you looking to build a huge audience for your startup? Of course you are. Everyone wants more signups, users, and subscribers. But the problem lies in how to get them quickly and without paying too much. Thankfully, the secret to getting a huge launch for your new company isn’t [...]
When content marketing was gaining steam, there were really only a few techniques you could leverage. On a typical day, you'd write a blog post, hope it ranked on Google, send it to your email subscribers, and post it to your social media profiles. That was pretty much it. This [...]
With technology creating colossal opportunities for marketing, there are still some fundamental or basic tenets to marketing that seem to be getting lost in the translation today. The Drum looked at some of the most important factors in a strong marketing strategy that have stood the test of time. They [...]
Types of Marketing Strategies and Definition Marketing strategies are used by businesses to promote their products and services. Let’s have a look at the proper definition. Marketing strategy definition Marketing strategy is used by different companies to collaborate with their consumers. It is also employed to aware the customers about [...]
Professional services brands today are at risk of eroding. Over the past five years, we’ve witnessed firm reputation and visibility scores decline throughout the industry. How can professional services firms overcome this challenge, and improve their brand in the marketplace? The answers aren’t the same as they used to be. Traditional marketing [...]
Succeeding as a small business often comes down to the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. You will need to employ many powerful marketing strategies Long-term success means consistent revenue. However, continued success for small businesses is not just a numbers game; it acquires greater depth. From a marketing point-of-view, long-term success is achieved if you’re able [...]
Leveraging the power of content and social media marketing can help elevate your audience and customer base in a dramatic way. But getting started without any previous experience or insight could be challenging. It's vital that you understand social media marketing fundamentals. From maximizing quality to increasing your online entry points, abiding by these 10 laws will help [...]
Growing a business isn't easy. First, you need a viable idea. From there, you need to discover a profitable niche, define a target demographic and have something of value to sell them. Whether you're peddling products, services or information, getting the word out has become increasingly burdensome. And without the right marketing [...]
Marketing your business doesn't have to be complicated. Use these five simple marketing techniques to build your business. Image source: Here are 5 successful marketing techniques you can use to increase your sales. All of them are simple to use. And they're effective for building any businesses. 1. Keep Adding [...]
As a student of sleight-of-hand magic, I value the number 52. Here we bring you 52 types of marketing strategies and tactics you can use to bring new customers to your business and grow your brand. In order for businesses to win market share and stay relevant they need to [...]
Marketing when you don’t have a big budget can be a challenge, but there’s plenty a small business owner can do to attract and maintain a customer base. The rise in digital marketing has made it all the easier for the small business owner to find a way to create a presence [...]
Here is a common situation many startups face. They have no money, but they have to do marketing. What can they do? Instead of focusing on costly marketing methods, such startups must focus on low-budget marketing hacks. The beauty of growth hacking is that it engages alternate methods of growth, [...]