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In the age of blowout bars, extreme dye jobs, and perms (yes, they're back!), it's not a question of if your hair is damaged but of how bad the situation really is. Before you start feeling hopeless because you'd sooner sell your soul than give up your flatiron, consider that [...]
Bad hair day is a real thing! Isn’t it? Does that bouncy and voluminous mane models flaunt in hair care ads seem like a far fetched dream to you most of the time? We agree, most of them do go a bit overboard. But hair care experts opine that the [...]
Hair it is While genetics play a key role, your diet, the weather, pollution, and your overall approach to hair care are all critical to maintaining your crowning glory. Find out how a healthy diet and proper care can keep your mane a head above the rest. 1. Pump up [...]
Hell is a town called Tulum. Watched over by Mayan ruins and buttressed by the ocean, this is a place of pothole-filled streets, overpriced taxis, terrible traffic jams, and out-of-touch yuppies, celebrities, influencers, wannabe gurus, COVID deniers, and well-to-do folks looking to “find themselves” in overpriced retreats, hotels, and bars. [...]
The pandemic has made working from home a permanent fixture of our lives. What once just techies and bloggers did, now accountants and all kinds of office workers do. When the pandemic subsides, I think many will go back to the office. However, working from home is here to stay [...]
Travel is a privilege — even budget travel. The ability to hold a passport and purchase a plane ticket to another country is a luxury not afforded to most people around the world — including many in my own country. That’s the reason I created FLYTE over five years ago. Travel has [...]
Get out a sheet of paper and write down all your set expenses: rent/mortgage, car payments, cable/streaming bill, cell phone, insurance, school payments, etc. Tally them up. Then write down all your discretionary spending. This is what you spend on food, movie nights, drinks, shopping, that daily coffee from Starbucks, [...]
Some things just aren’t meant to be. Sometimes, no matter how much you want something, the universe seems to conspire against you. While I believe you make your own fate, I do think the universe has a way of saying, “Hey, the timing isn’t right. You should rethink your plans.” [...]
No matter who you are, my advice is always the same: go to the place that calls to you. If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Paris, go there. If you’ve been dreaming of sailing Greece, do that. Travel is about fulfilling your personal dreams, but it’s easy to get caught up [...]
How do you define an old town? For purposes of this post, I define an old town as a separate, distinct part of a modern city that is historical, beautiful, protected from further development, and often holding UNESCO World Heritage designation. London and Paris don’t have old towns, for instance, while [...]
Of all the best countries for a woman to travel solo, Croatia is one of my absolute favorites. After traveling to more than 80 countries, Croatia is forever in my list of top five favorites, often battling for the #1 slot with Italy. I love traveling in Croatia. It’s one of [...]
If you love waterfalls, Croatia is a fantastic country to visit. Thanks to a jagged coastline and mountains flush with rivers, waterfalls thrive in this beautiful nation. Plitvice Lakes National Park in particular is world-famous for its waterfalls (in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if 25% of the waterfall photos on [...]