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Empty Google docs. Empty editorial calendars. Empty WordPress posts. Sometimes content marketers have to deal with a lot of emptiness, and turn all that blank space into content that attracts, and engages, and converts. But no pressure, right? How do you keep the ideas and creativity flowing constantly to ensure [...]
Looking for unique blog post ideas? Here I have compiled a list of things to blog about. A majority of these ideas generated from my own experience of finding new topics, and writing more than 3000 articles in past 10 years. Being a Blogger, Getting into Writer’s block situation is something not [...]
With Google claiming a significant percentage of the search market, businesses need to utilize the search engine to reach out to their current and prospective customers on a large scale. For Google to drive traffic and revenue to your site, you need to learn how to submit URLs to Google. [...]
Thankfully, we have compiled 21 high-quality ideas to boost your blog publishing strategy, which is sure to leave readers asking for more. As we are focusing on quality rather than quantity, you won’t find many blog post ideas that are considered too obvious or widely known. Some of these include: [...]
Nobody ever wants to “phone it in.” Our blog posts reflect who we are as a brand and a small business. The more you’re able to think creatively about your content, the more you’ll be able to generate engagement and interest, right? So I asked some of the brightest folks in web marketing and writing [...]
A blinking cursor stares back at a stone-faced writer. Isn't that what most of us picture when we think about writer's block? However, when it comes to sourcing topics for your blog through the year, a ticking clock might be a more suitable metaphor. Timing is everything when selecting the [...]
Starting a blog? Everyone will tell you to pick a niche that fits your passions and knowledge, while also being in trend. And while there are niches that are always popular – business-starting, healthy-eating, baby-having, money-making – there are also some that are more specific to modern society’s current state. [...]
So, you want to start a blog but don’t know what to blog about. Well in this guide I will show you all of the most popular types of blogs that are out there on the internet. Blogging is something that can be very rewarding if you are truly committed to it [...]
It’s the jackpot of the blogging world. Find trending blog topics and ride the wave of popularity. Is it down to luck or is there a sure-fire way of spotting trends? Read on for a list of 115 trending blog topics updated for 2021. Use the list right now for your blog [...]
Using your blog as a source of income isn’t easy. With thousands of blogs out there, standing out from the crowd can be very tricky. This is why it is important to choose the most profitable niches for your blog to have a good head start over your competition. Take [...]
Blogging with a purpose increases market share, consumer engagement, revenue growth, and ROI. Of course, you want to do that. I mean, just look at this: But once they start the blog, a lot of people I know are still stuck on the fundamental question: What do we blog about? [...]
Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topic or niche to choose? This post will help you to choose the most popular and high demand blog topics. By creating content related to the high demand blog topics matter a lot because it gives you a head start. Choosing [...]