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Windows AC: Economical & easy to install Capacity: 0.75 Ton. Suitable for small sized rooms (< = 110 sq ft) Energy Rating: 2 Star. Annual Energy Consumption: 717.6 units. ISEER Value: 2.75 (Please refer energy label on product page or contact brand for more details) Manufacturer Warranty : 1 year [...]

Earn 90% commissions on front and backend sales promoting His Secret Obsession - One of the highest converting offers in its class that is taking the women’s market by storm His Secret Obsession has helped thousands of women improve their relationships, and in the process paid out millions in affiliate [...]

PROVEN to make 6-Figures per MONTH! Why should you promote this offer? The ketogenic diet is the biggest weight loss trend that ever happend. The most profitable info-product market in 2019! BIGGER than paleo BIGGER than atkins BIGGER than everything else There is a raving keto community buying every product and upsell (and it is growing [...]

“over 60 recipes for a happy body and mind” 0 % gluten, soy, dairy, sugar, cholesterol or chemicals 100 % flavor, vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients & tastiness! Raw food certainly has endless health benefits, which you will notice as soon as you integrate more raw foods into your life. With simple [...]